Race Clicker: Tap Tap Game organizes a running competition in a large square. Your character also confidently participates, ready to conquer attractive bonuses. Before coming to the competition, the boy in green often practices in advance and buys speed-up support items. After accumulating enough strength, the track is ready to welcome you.
When the race takes place, try to reach the finish line as soon as possible! The rank you achieve will determine the amount of your bonus. The sooner you reach the finish line, the more chances you have to receive valuable rewards, helping to upgrade your abilities and unlock new characters in the future.
Finger Speed Is The Most Important
In this race, finger speed is the deciding factor of your success or failure. Each quick and accurate click will help your character accelerate strongly, surpassing all opponents. Players need to practice reflexes to optimize the clicking speed, in order to maintain a high pace throughout the race. Remember, finishing early not only secures a high position but also earns a substantial amount of money.
Be Careful With Other Players
Runners in the same race will use any means to win. They can attack, causing your character to fall and reduce running speed. To avoid sudden attacks, use AD to move to both sides. This dodging skill will help you maintain speed and position in the race while avoiding collisions that can cause you to fall behind.
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